Tuesday, August 2, 2011

About Adaobi Tricia Nwaubani

This year's book selection was written by a young, emerging writer who lives in Nigeria. Her experiences as a child serve to inform her writing, an activity which she began when she was about 10 years old. By the time she was 15, Nwaubani had been selected for several writing awards, including as best poet and playwright in her school.

She wrote her first novel, I Do Not Come To You By Chance, in just two months. After you have checked out this recent interview for more information about what inspires her, then get yourself a copy and get reading!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Future Book Suggestions

Do you have a favorite book that you think OneBook CRC ought to read in the future? If so, identify the book's title and author, and give a brief explanation about what makes it a good book.

OneBook CRC Criteria

The criteria for the OneBook CRC Project are as follows:
  • The book is accessible to CRC students;
  • The book’s topics stimulate conversation amongst a variety of readers;
  • The book fosters personal reflection;
  • The book promotes teaching and learning and can be integrated into a variety of CRC courses and programs;
  • The book develops a foundation for cultural pluralism, a rejection of previous personal prejudices, and knowledge of and comfort with others;
  • The book has the potential to build a community by sharing the common experience of reading and discussion.